Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sometimes 65 and sunny is not good for cycling...

Dr J, Green Beans, OZ and I met for a spin through some local parks, trails, gravel, and a bit of KT Sat, thinking the conditions wouldn't be too bad in the afternoon. We could not have been more wrong. The KT was sloppy in spots but manageable. Grindstone had 20 feet of trail that was nice and dry. Someone was asleep at the wheel and left the door open at Rock Bridge. It was beyond muddy and we quickly left the scene of the trail raping we did. Gravel road turned into south Louisiana quagmire. So that left us riding our Mt Bikes on the road. No fault of our fearless leader Beans though. It was wayyyy to windy for my weak butt to be on the road bikes, so all was good. Better luck next time fellas.


evenslower said...

D-lite and I found the same at RB on Friday. Spent more time cleaning the bike than riding it.

That's why I passed on Landahl today and hit the pavement. From the report I got earlier that was the right call.

Anonymous said...

Mike, I didn't want to battle that wind either so I spent the later part of the day enjoying some oatmeal stout, not as good as your home brew however!

Heavy D said...

WTF!!! Are those V Brakes?

Looks like you had an interesting ride.